BIF Market

The section that the Belgian event dedicates to the Film Industry (BIF Market) will also have a Spanish focus in this edition and will present the following Work-in-Progress:

  • #thechallenge – Orlok Films (Dir. Imanol Ortiz López).
  • ‘Bloody Mary’- Dosmentes Productions (Dir. Joseph Diaz).
  • ‘Celestine’ – La Charito Films (Dir. Tina Olivares).
  • ‘Delivery’- Orlok Films (Dir. Imanol Ortiz López).
  • ‘Malamuerte’ La Charito Films (Dir. Caye Casas).
  • ‘Stream’- Cotas Films (Dir. Sergio Pereda).
  • ‘The Mantises’- El Médano (Dir. Dídac Gimeno).

The BIF Market will also pay tribute to the enormous creativity of fantastic cinema in Spanish throughout the world, which is why the opening act is the ‘Ferocious Hispanics’ networking event that will feature professionals from both Spain and several countries of Latin America, as well as the projection of an international premiere that is expected to inspire numerous collaborations between both parts of the Atlantic Ocean.

Check the full program of the Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival 2023